
Tips to avoid foot pain when wearing heeled boots

Whether you work in the office, at the gym, or from home, you'll probably find yourself quite often in a situation where you have to wear high heels - and now, in winter, high-heeled boots.

If you're one of those people who suffer every time they have to wear heels, this guide is for you. Discover the tips in this blog and forget the pain!

To explain the origin a bit, the pain under the ball of the foot is created because the entire body weight is held in this area, putting constant pressure on the sesamoid bones, a bone too small to support our body weight. Therefore, we must understand that wearing heels always causes some discomfort, but there are certain tips to relieve this pain.

Without making you wait any longer, here are the tips you can even use to run marathons in heels!

Give a woman the right shoes and she will conquer the world.
- Marilyn Monroe

Tip number one and the most important of all. Buy quality: The cheaper the boots you buy, the less cushioning material they have. The bugatti Amila boots are a perfect example of high heel boots with a good footbed, cushioning and high-quality leather: you can spend the whole day in high heels with this pair.

Another factor that influences whether you feel more or less pain is size. Make sure to get the right size for your boots so that the sole is neither tight nor loose which could cause the foot to slip and become uncomfortable. Discover your correct shoe size with the help of this blog post and find the most comfortable high heels for you.

Choose shoes with a comfortable heel height: The idea behind wearing heels is to add an extra edge to certain outfits. So there is no acute need to use super high heels that can damage your feet. The bugatti Faithi ankle boots , for example, offer an ideal height for casual outfits, with which you bring a lot of elegance into your looks without putting too much pressure on your feet. The Cathy Evo ankle boots with heels have a similar effect, with the fit providing the necessary support and comfort.

For women who wear heels every day, a few little tricks can make the experience more comfortable. You can buy a gel insole for high heels: it's not a novelty, but often we forget that this type of solution exists. On the other hand, wearing good, thicker socks in winter can prevent the bones from rubbing against the sides of the boots, especially on bunions.

If you're invited to an event, whether it's in a professional setting or a wedding, it's likely to bring great joy because such events are a lot of fun, but they tend to come with a dress code where heels are supposed to be worn. It is very important to take breaks from your shoes during long events. Try sitting down at cocktail hours so you can dance later, or if the tablecloths are long you might be able to take off your heels during dinner and take a break. In this case, try to choose shoes with platforms to reduce the height of the heel and create less pain in the sole of the foot. The bugatti Fiala Evo are perfect for events, they are the perfect height and have a platform for more comfort.

What to do if you have foot pain after wearing high-heeled boots?

After a long day at work, a night out with friends or an event, it's normal to feel tired and sore feet after wearing heels for hours. That's why we recommend that when you get home, you put on very soft slippers like the bugatti Kiko and try to put your feet up for at least seven minutes before going to bed. If you still have the energy after a long day, a good massage with oils can help stimulate circulation and restore your feet to their natural state.


We hope these tips and recommendations will be your new sacred guide to wearing heeled shoes. Remember that quality is one of the most important factors, and at bugatti we value ankle boots deliver at the highest level.