
Enjoy the holidays in your bugatti slippers

Are you still listening to "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..." or are you fed up with "All I Want for Christmas is You?" gingerbread, snow and Christmas movies.

A few days of food and celebrations with loved ones are ahead, but what we enjoy the most is the day after Christmas Eve, right? This is the time when we just relax, try out the gifts we've received, watch TV, and eat last night's leftovers on the couch. To me, that description sounds like heaven itself.

So if you're eagerly awaiting the day after Christmas, when all that matters is relaxation, you should round off your pajama outfit with wintery cozy slippers.

Good news for you, in this blog post we show you the best bugatti slippers so you can enjoy this day of relaxing and eating while still looking chic.

ladies first! Find your dream pair of winter slippers for women here

Just as it happens with wardrobe styles, it also happens with bedtime looks. We all have different bedtime habits and routines. First of all, some people wear pajamas for everything. They are not ashamed to go to the store in their pajamas or to get a coffee as soon as they get up. (and the truth is I find it amazing). If this is the case for you too, consider wearing closed-toe slippers for women that you can wear indoors or take out the garbage. The bugatti Tenty are perfect because closed they simulate the functionality of sneakers.

On the other hand, some people fall asleep with a plain t-shirt or what they've been wearing all day. In the end they don't like to complicate things because the most important thing is to sleep, right? Well, if you're a member of the pajama relax club, then cozy slippers like this Tenty are great for you, because not only are they cute, but they also offer you that comfort you enjoy so much.

Finally, we also have the exact opposite of the previous options, ladies who look like real divas and fall asleep looking super pretty, like Elle Woods in her pyjamas. Good news for you, because at bugatti we have options for all styles: elegant slippers like the bugatti Kiko are the icing on the cake for your look.

Gentlemen, we haven't forgotten you, here are the options for bugatti warm slippers for men

It used to be believed that only women care about their image and men are always relaxed, but it is no longer news or strange to see men taking care of their skin, hair, clothes or accessories. At bugatti, we also think of men who like to take care of their image and have winter slippers for them.

It works the same way. For men who are used to spending Friday evening through Sunday in their pajamas, we have the bugatti tent . The perfect all-day slippers, we love their functionality!

On the other hand, for those who have never bought pajamas and value comfort, the bugatti tent with an open heel is the first choice, because the open heel allows you to put it on and take it off quickly.

Finally, we have two options for men who value a bit more and are interested in looking good while resting at home. The bugatti Nube is a perfect example of a snuggly slipper with style , like James Bond in his pyjamas, right?

Well, now you're done and ready to eat the leftovers of Christmas night from the couch, with slippers at your side waiting to be worn when you decide to clear the table and dismantle the Christmas decorations. Remember that going barefoot is not recommended and that slippers are just as important as other shoes. So if after Christmas you decide to rest or tidy up, try a good pair of bugatti slippers.


We don't know who's supposed to bring the drinks now, but one thing we do: we'll bring the coziness! bugatti wishes you a Merry Christmas!